About Summer Boost
Summer Boost is a private philanthropic initiative supported by Bloomberg Philanthropies in partnership with co-funders. Summer Boost was launched in 2022 in New York City in response to COVID-related learning loss. In 2025, Summer Boost is running in 7 cities: Baltimore, Birmingham, Memphis, Nashville, New York City, San Antonio and Washington, D.C. The program is designed to support rising 1st to 9th grade charter students in select cities across the nation to accelerate their academic progress in English Language Arts and math while providing engaging enrichment opportunities. Schools can apply to receive up to $2,000 per student to support high-quality summer learning programs.
Summer Boost was initially launched to drive learning acceleration in English Language Arts (ELA) and math, in response to the learning loss experienced by students due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The academic disruption caused by the pandemic, along with the accompanying social and health-related impact, resulted in significant lost learning opportunities that are still felt today, particularly for low-income students of color. National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) results from 2024 show that student achievement remains below pre-pandemic levels, with widening gaps between the highest performing and lowest performing students.
We continue to offer Summer Boost because we know that summer learning opportunities have the potential to substantially accelerate student learning and address gaps in academic outcomes. During previous summers of Summer Boost, we have seen strong evidence that high-quality summer learning opportunities lead to significant student growth in both ELA and math. Specifically, an evaluation of the 2023 Summer Boost program found that participating students gained an average of 4-5 more weeks of learning in math and 3-4 weeks in ELA, compared to their non-Summer Boost peers. All demographic groups experienced higher rates of growth than their non-participating peers.
In 2025, the core Summer Boost program design requirements – which are based on known best practices for summer learning – remain consistent with the 2024 program.
The Summer Boost team is excited to share the following updates to the 2025 program:
- Technology platforms have been updated to provide a streamlined experience for grantees. Look for updates to our application platform as well as the assessment platform. For example, with our new application platform, Submittable, applicants can preview the entire application, save progress and return to continue working on the application, add collaborators from your organization to work on specific sections, and even work with your Program Officer on adjusting the application as you plan for Summer Boost.
- For schools who elect to use the Lavinia curriculum:
- Lavinia pre-program training for educators has been updated to a 3-day format, and no longer includes pre-work. Lavinia leader training sessions will now take place throughout May, providing leaders with ample time to prepare for implementing the curriculum and setting up the assessment platform well before educators and students begin.
- Lavinia supports: To ensure ongoing support throughout the program, Lavinia Group will hold weekly office hours for educators and leaders. Look for enhancements to the literacy curriculum and new caregiver resources intended to strengthen engagement and support learning at home.
Note: As in prior years, applicants can apply to serve up to ⅓ of their eligible student population (rising 1st-9th graders). In the application, we ask if you would serve more than ⅓ of your students if more funding was available. While unlikely, we will contact interested applicants about next steps if additional funding is available after all applications have been received.
We are excited to confirm that the Summer Boost program will continue in the summers of 2025 and 2026 in 7 cities: Baltimore, Birmingham, Memphis, Nashville, New York City, San Antonio and Washington, D.C. Please note that interested applicants will be required to apply to participate in Summer Boost each year, and 2025 approval does not guarantee approval for the summer of 2026.
The funders of this initiative have engaged Building Impact Partners to serve as the program manager and 50CAN, Inc. to serve as the fiscal sponsor of Summer Boost. Applicants and grantees will be supported by a team of program officers at Building Impact Partners throughout the duration of the grant period. All grant agreements and financial monitoring will be led by 50CAN. We will share more information about who to contact for what purposes if you are selected as a Summer Boost grantee.
Program Model & Criteria for Eligibility
Summer Boost provides up to $2,000 per student for schools to design and implement high-quality summer learning programs for rising 1st to 9th grade charter students (students completing kindergarten through 8th grades in spring 2025). In line with the existing body of research on effective summer programming, all Summer Boost programs must:
- Provide at least 20 days of summer academic instruction
- Provide both English Language Arts and math instruction
- Provide an average of three cumulative hours of high-quality English Language Arts and math instruction each day
- Ensure a student-to-teacher ratio of no more than 25-to-1
- Administer pre- and post-assessments provided by Summer Boost
- Conduct in-person instruction
We know that a one-size-fits-all approach does not effectively meet the diverse needs of charter schools. Schools have flexibility to design programs with schedules that meet the needs of their students, teachers, and families. Additionally, schools can choose to opt in to the Summer Boost-provided Lavinia RISE curriculum or select their own curriculum, as outlined in the table below.
Grant Model | Lavinia RISE Curriculum | School-Selected Curriculum |
What is it? | Lavinia RISE will provide professional development to teachers, English Language Arts and math curriculum with pacing guides, and daily lessons for a 5-week program of half-day academics. To learn more about the Lavinia Group Program visit the Lavinia RISE Summer Boost Website. | Schools can use a high-quality curriculum of their choice and/or develop their own curriculum. The application will ask about alignment to state standards and how you’ve selected the curriculum. |
What does it cost? | The Lavinia RISE curriculum and professional development (PD) will be provided for free to all participating schools. The items that sites should include in their budget include: Materials Costs (e.g. books): Classes of 25 students should budget between $10-$38 per student, depending on the grade. Printing Costs (optional): Classes of 25 students should budget approximately $38 per student for printing costs. Educator Pay: Teachers are expected to attend 3 days of pre-program training and encouraged to attend 60-minute weekly development meetings. This is estimated at 17 hours of PD for one subject and 23 hours for two subjects. Leaders are expected to attend an estimated 3 hours of PD. The 2025 materials list remains mostly unchanged from last summer, allowing schools to reuse purchased texts and materials from the Summer Boost 2024 Program. A new addition is the decodable text bundle, which is required for rising 1st and 2nd graders. For more information, visit the Lavinia RISE Summer Boost website. | The costs of the curriculum and professional development must be covered by the school. All sites, whether you use the Lavinia curriculum or your own, are required to administer the pre- and post- assessment. Assessments are provided at no cost to participating schools. |
What grades does it serve? | Rising 1st to 9th grade charter students in Baltimore, Birmingham, Memphis, Nashville, New York City, San Antonio and Washington, D.C. | |
How is success measured? | Student growth will be measured on pre- and post-tests in both English Language Arts and math, mapped to the priority standards. Standards that will be assessed may be found here: – English Language Arts – Math All sites, whether you use the Lavinia curriculum or your own, are required to administer the pre- and post- assessment. The assessment and administration platform are provided at no cost to participating schools. The assessment is designed by Lavinia Group and has been vetted by an independent third party. | |
When is it? | Grantees that choose to use the Lavinia RISE curriculum can choose from the Teacher and Leader sessions that work best with their school calendars: Leader Training Options (3 hours) Thursday, May 1st Tuesday, May 6th Friday, May 9th Thursday, May 15th Monday, May 19th Tuesday, May 27th Teacher Training Options (12 hours for one subject and 18 hours for two subjects) Tuesday, May 27th – Thursday, May 29th Tuesday, June 3rd – Thursday, June 5th Tuesday, June 10th – Thursday, June 12th Monday, June 16th – Wednesday, June 18th Monday, June 30th – Wednesday, July 2nd Tuesday, July 8th – Thursday, July 10th | School Discretion (Minimum of 20 instructional days) Leader Assessment Training Options (90 minutes) Thursday, May 1st Tuesday, May 6th Friday, May 9th Thursday, May 15th Monday, May 19th Tuesday, May 27th Teacher Assessment Training Options (90 minutes) Thursday, May 29th Thursday, June 5th Thursday, June 12th Wednesday, June 18th Wednesday, July 2nd Thursday, July 10th |
What level of funding is provided? | Up to $2,000 per student depending on program length and full or half day structure. See the funding model here and the budget template here. |
No; Summer Boost sites must be in-person and academic instruction must be delivered by the school directly, not outsourced to a third-party provider. This restriction is in place to preserve the quality and coherence of Summer Boost and to ensure collaboration is smooth. Please note that you are welcome to recruit educators from outside your school and to engage external partners to provide enrichment programming. Please reach out to us if you have any questions.
Your application will allow you to apply for 1/3 or fewer of your eligible students (eligible students include all rising 1st-rising 9th graders you serve), and you will develop a budget based on the number of students in your application.
In the application, we ask if you would serve more than ⅓ of your students if more funding was available. While unlikely, we will contact interested applicants about next steps if additional funding is available after all applications have been received.
Yes! We encourage you to apply for the program size and grade levels that account for the needs of your students, the likely attendance levels of a summer program, and the bandwidth of your organization. Please note that Summer Boost funding is available for rising 1st to rising 9th grade students only (students completing kindergarten through 8th grades in spring 2025).
Yes! If you are applying on behalf of multiple school sites, you will be asked to outline the location(s) of your program and the specifics of your partnership within the application.
One “lead applicant” should complete the application and serve as the sole grantee for the program.
Unless there are significant differences in program design across school sites, we recommend that the Charter Management Organization applies for ALL sites interested in participating, rather than having school sites submit individual applications.
Summer Boost funding is provided for rising 1st to rising 9th grade students (students completing kindergarten through 8th grade in spring 2025); Summer Boost does not provide funding for rising kindergarteners or rising 10th-12th graders.
Summer Boost provides flexibility for you to design necessary supports for your students, and we ask you to describe how you plan to accommodate students with diverse needs in the application.
If you opt into the Lavinia Group’s curriculum, throughout pre-program training and weekly professional development sessions, Lavinia Group facilitators and coaches will support educators in effectively addressing the needs of multilingual learners and students with diverse learning needs. Educators will also have access to an asynchronous small group instruction module and a differentiation toolkit to help them meet the needs of all students in one-on-one and small group settings.
Following the training and throughout the summer, we encourage you to reach out to Lavinia Group for support and guidance in serving all learners.
If you opt into Lavinia Group’s curriculum, the offerings are designed to support multilingual learners and students with individualized learning needs in the following ways:
- Incorporating robust opportunities for group and partner discussion allowing students to practice their oral speaking skills.
- Offering phonics instruction that includes direct, explicit, sequential, and multisensory routines to support foundational reading skills.
- Giving students access to information in various modalities, such as text, diagrams, etc.
- Providing opportunities for students to learn and keep track of content-area vocabulary.
- Teaching students how to organize their thinking visually using notebooks and, where appropriate, additional graphic organizers.
- Including partner reading and read aloud work so students are able to hear models of fluent reading and discuss their ideas with classmates.
Grant Funding Model
Schools can apply for up to $2,000 per student, depending on the length of the program and whether the program is full- or half-day:
- $80/student per day for full-day (5+ hours/day)
- $55/student per day for half-day (<5 hours/day)
We will ask you to provide a final, adjusted enrollment number closer to the time of your Summer Boost program start. Your final grant total will be updated to reflect that adjusted enrollment number.
Your first grant payment will be 70% of the updated final grant total. Your second grant payment will take into account the actual number of students you served and be adjusted accordingly, as outlined below:
- If your average daily attendance is at least 70% of the final, adjusted enrollment, you will receive 100% of the adjusted grant funding.
- If your average daily attendance is less than 70% of the final, adjusted enrollment, you will receive 70% of the adjusted grant funding. In this case, you will not receive a second payment.
Data from previous summers shows that 70% attendance at a Summer Boost program is an important threshold for students to realize significant, positive growth in academics. This payment structure is designed to encourage what works best for students! We encourage you to consider the importance of consistent attendance for student success as you recruit and enroll students for the program.
Full guidance can be found in the Summer Boost Funding Model document.
Grant funds can be used to support virtually all aspects of a successful summer program, as long as expenses are reasonable and aligned with your program design.
Expenses may include, but are not limited to:
- staff salaries and teacher bonuses
- curriculum
- supplies and materials
- enrichment activities
- facilities costs
- transportation
- meals
- technology
- other expenses you incur related specifically to summer learning as laid out in the budget section of your application
While attendance incentives can be valuable in encouraging consistent student attendance over the summer, gift cards are not allowable through Summer Boost funds. However, attendance incentives such as weekly or end-of-program celebrations, attendance recognition awards, supplies and educational materials for families and students, and field trips have all been utilized to maximize attendance in previous programs.
You will receive a grant agreement from our fiscal sponsor, 50CAN, in June (exact timing depends on the start of your Summer Boost program).
We will ask you to provide a final, adjusted enrollment number closer to the time of your Summer Boost program start. Your final grant total will be updated to reflect that final, adjusted enrollment number.
This updated final grant total will be listed in your grant agreement, which will be sent at this point. Once 50CAN has your signed grant agreement, they will begin processing your first payment – 70% of the updated final grant total.
The timeline has been designed so that you will likely receive your first payment around the start of your program, and the majority of first payments will be issued by mid-July.
The balance of your grant will be paid out no later than mid-October, contingent on completion of all grant/reporting requirements and an average daily attendance percentage of at least 70%, as described in the Summer Boost Funding Model document. Final payments may be disbursed early for grantees that complete all reporting requirements ahead of the deadline.
Yes, we have provided a budget template and calculator where you can determine the amount of funding for which you are eligible. You will be asked to provide a proposed budget and a narrative to support that budget.
The budget you submit should only include the funding provided by Summer Boost. If you are using additional funding sources to support your program, you will be able to note that in the budget narrative, but we are not asking for a budget related to those funds. If you would like more information about how grantees have successfully allocated grant funds in the past, please feel free to reach out to your program officer.
The budget planning tool can be found here. Applicants will be asked to transfer line items and narratives into the Submittable application platform at the time of application submission.
Yes! You can view the application questions here. You will be prompted to make a copy. This document can be used as a planning tool, but all applications must be submitted through the Submittable application platform in order to be considered.
Yes, the Submittable platform will periodically save your progress automatically and you also have the option to manually save your progress at any time.
Dates & Scheduling
Applications are due no later than 11:59pm ET on Friday, March 14, 2025.
We aim to notify all applicants of grant decisions by Friday, April 11, 2025. We will be reviewing applications on a rolling basis and will notify schools of application decisions earlier than April 11 if feasible. We encourage you to apply as soon as you can submit a strong application. Please note that incomplete submissions or applications that require follow up will likely result in a delayed notification date.
For schools selecting their own curriculum, dates can be set by your school at any point throughout the summer. The program must include at least 20 instructional days (full-day or half-day), with an average of at least three hours of English Language Arts and math instruction each day. You may add up to two assessment-only days with a primary focus on implementing the Summer Boost pre- and post-tests, but these should be above and beyond 20 instructional days.
For schools using the Lavinia RISE curriculum, Lavinia Group is offering six leader training opportunities and six teacher training opportunities, and programming should begin after the training sessions you plan to have your staff members attend*:
Leader Training Options (3 hours)
Thursday, May 1st
Tuesday, May 6th
Friday, May 9th
Thursday, May 15th
Monday, May 19th
Tuesday, May 27th
Teacher Training Options (12 hours for one subject and 18 hours for two subjects):
Tuesday, May 27th- Thursday, May 29th
Tuesday, June 3rd- Thursday, June 5th
Tuesday, June 10th- Thursday, June 12th
Monday, June 16th- Wednesday, June 18th
Monday, June 30th- Wednesday, July 2nd
Tuesday, July 8th-Thursday, July 10th
*If you would like to use the Lavinia RISE curriculum and these Session Dates do not work for your school, please contact summerboost@buildingimpact.co.
Lavinia RISE provides approximately three hours of curriculum daily and 20 days of lesson plans. Schools using RISE can offer half-day programming or full-day programming. Full-day programming will require that schools identify a plan for enrichment in addition to the Lavinia RISE curriculum.
Your daily schedule is up to you. Things to keep in mind:
- Programs that are under five hours per day are considered “half-day” programs. Programs that are five or more hours per day are considered “full-day” programs.
- Summer Boost requires on average at least three hours of English Language Arts and math instruction each day and you may want to add breaks or meal time.
- It is up to you to determine whether to add enrichment or other activities.
- You can start and end your day at the time that works best for your staff and the families you serve. We strongly encourage you to consider the needs of your families, recognizing that a full-day schedule may work better for working parents and therefore support increased student attendance.
Sample student schedules may be found here; we’ve indicated which activities are provided by the Lavinia RISE curriculum for sites who select this option.
Programs that are under five hours per day are considered “half-day” programs. Programs that are five or more hours per day are considered “full-day” programs. When determining the length of your day, please do not include arrival and dismissal in your calculation of length.
Please note the daily per student rate for full-day and half-day programs:
- $80/student per day for full-day
- $55/student per day for half-day
All programs must be a minimum of 20 days of instruction with a daily average of at least three hours of English Language Arts and math, but you have flexibility to design a program structure that makes sense for your school context. For example, some programs in the past have run from Monday-Thursday each week for five weeks. Please note you may add up to two assessment-only days with a primary focus on implementing the Summer Boost pre- and post-tests, but these should be above and beyond 20 instructional days.
If you are using the Lavinia RISE curriculum, Lavinia Group provides 20 days of lessons and example pacing guides, but all grantees have the flexibility to design a summer schedule that works best for their community.
Teacher Recruitment, Selection, & Compensation
We encourage you to apply and begin teacher recruitment with the caveat that you are awaiting approval on funding. You can recruit your own teachers and/or teachers from other schools to participate.
Teachers providing the English Language Arts and math academic instruction must be teachers that would be qualified to provide academic instruction at your school during the school year. We know that most charter schools have some flexibility related to licensure/certification so we do not have a blanket requirement – but do require that you use the same bar you would use during the school year to determine whether someone is qualified to teach a specific grade and subject area.
Of note, prior high-performing Summer Boost grantees have attributed their success to recruiting strong, experienced teachers (especially those who previously served in Summer Boost); providing rigorous, structured curriculum; using data to inform instruction; and thoughtfully staffing at the leadership level (e.g., a clear senior program leader).
The staffing plan for enrichment may be determined at your discretion; there are no requirements for licensure or certification, as long as you have a strong rationale for who you hire. We encourage you to consider partnering with other community organizations to provide the enrichment component.
Schools are responsible for screening personnel that will be working with students this summer.
We recommend that you aim to recruit your most experienced and successful teachers for the summer program, and we ask you about your staff recruitment plans in the application. The funding model is designed to allow generous compensation for teachers. Prior grantees have shared that staffing over the summer was (unexpectedly) not a challenge, in large part because they were able to offer competitive compensation through grant funds.
Salaries and cost of living differ significantly by city. We encourage schools to determine what constitutes a competitive rate of pay for teachers in their area in order to attract the best talent. As one data point, previous successful programs in multiple geographies have offered $10,000 or more to their teachers to teach in Summer Boost.
Yes! We encourage collaboration across schools to mitigate staffing or student recruitment challenges. Only one school/Charter Management Organization (CMO) should complete the application, but the lead applicant should provide details about the partnership in the application. Schools can also consider recruiting teachers from other schools or districts who may be interested in teaching in the summer.
Note: Each school participating in a combined Summer Boost program may be required to submit school-specific data reports for Summer Boost. Please feel free to reach out during the application phase to understand the specific requirements.
We encourage returning grantees to recruit students who participated in the program before and could benefit from it again this summer. Evidence from the existing research base on summer learning suggests that year-over-year participation can result in cumulative beneficial effects for students.
Student Attendance
Because attendance is so important for student success, grantees are required to track and report attendance. Sites should make their best efforts to engage families and students and encourage consistent attendance. In previous summers, schools found that initial meetings with families to set expectations, phone calls when students were absent, and attendance incentives were valuable means for improving attendance.
Additionally, student attendance will influence your total funding amount. We understand that you need to staff and provide materials based on enrollment, and we have factored this into the calculation as noted below. See the Summer Boost Funding Model document for more information.
- If your average daily attendance is at least 70% of the final, adjusted enrollment (adjusted enrollment will be based on an enrollment check ahead of the start of your program), you will receive 100% of the adjusted grant funding.
- If your average daily attendance is less than 70% of the final, adjusted enrollment, you will receive 70% of the adjusted grant funding. In this case, you will not receive a second payment.
Data from previous summers shows that 70% attendance at a Summer Boost program is an important threshold for students to realize significant, positive growth in academics. This payment structure is designed to encourage what works best for students! We encourage you to consider the importance of consistent attendance for student success as you recruit and enroll students for the program.
Schools are responsible for designing transportation plans that will meet the needs of students. The funding amount was designed to support transportation costs.
We will ask you to describe your transportation plans in your application. We also encourage you to reach out to your local education agency to understand if there are any transportation options being provided over the summer.
The Summer Boost pre- and post-assessments, developed by the Lavinia Group, are required for all participants, regardless of whether you use the Lavinia RISE curriculum or select your own curriculum.
The Summer Boost pre- and post-tests are standards-aligned assessments; standards that will be addressed are listed here: English Language Arts and math. For more information, visit the Curriculum Alignment section of the Lavinia RISE Summer Boost website.
The assessments are a combination of multiple choice and open-response questions. Students will take these assessments via the assessment platform (provided to all schools) at the beginning and end of the summer program. Training on administering and scoring the assessment will be provided. Pen and paper assessments are also available, but please note data will then need to be manually inputted into the platform by teachers.
This data will help the funders of Summer Boost understand the impact the program had for students. The data will also help schools understand student progress and where they might focus with interventions after the summer program.
The Summer Boost pre- and post-assessments, developed by the Lavinia Group, are required for all participants, regardless of whether you use the Lavinia RISE curriculum or select your own curriculum. If you would like to administer additional assessments, that is at your discretion.
Training materials – including videos and resources – on assessment implementation and scoring will be made available online for participating sites to access at any time. All sites will also be able to receive direct support from representatives from the assessment platform. Additionally, assessment implementation and scoring guidance will be covered during the Lavinia Group’s pre-program professional development week and this portion of the professional development will be required for all Summer Boost grantees – including those that are not using the Lavinia RISE curriculum.
The assessments are untimed, but we estimate approximately 40-60 minutes for English Language Arts and 40-60 minutes for math – a total of up to two hours for the pre-tests and up to two hours for the post-tests. We encourage schools to offer the math and English Language Arts pre-tests on the first 1-2 days of the program and the math and English Language Arts post-tests during the program’s final week. This allows teachers enough time to score and review the assessments before the program ends; we do not recommend administering assessments on the final day for this reason. Since attendance often drops off toward the end of the program, schools should develop a strategic communication and testing plan to maximize post-assessment completion (e.g. communicating proactively about students’ last day to ensure assessments are given before the student leaves the program, or incentivizing attendance on assessment days, such as scheduling celebrations afterwards).
Note there is flexibility around the logistics of assessments, and the tests could be administered over the course of two days if the site prefers (one day for English Language Arts and one day for math).
For more information on the assessments, please visit the Curriculum Alignment section of the Lavinia RISE website here.
Summer Boost does not provide or endorse any specific enrichment programs. However, we strongly encourage sites to consider offering enrichment, as prior grantees have reported that enrichment programming helps motivate student attendance and increases student engagement.
We encourage sites to consider all options for enrichment, including recruiting teachers with specialized content areas to teach courses and/or partnering with local organizations to help offer students and families full-day programming. Grantees are encouraged to include costs for enrichment providers, staffing, etc. as necessary in their program budgets. Summer Boost provides more funding for full-day than half-day programs to help cover these costs (please reference the calculator in the application budget template for more information).
Your Summer Boost program needs to provide an average of three hours of high-quality English Language Arts and math instruction each day. Beyond that, schools have flexibility to determine the extent and types of enrichment programming provided.
Reporting & Data Collection
At the conclusion of the program, schools will be required to share information including but not limited to:
- A narrative report and financial report describing how you used the funds in support of your program as well as key successes, challenges, and lessons learned.
- A report for each individual Summer Boost site describing the program characteristics of that site.
- A data report sharing student-level Summer Boost student attendance, as well as school-wide demographic information and assessment results.
All templates as well as detailed instructions will be provided. Schools must submit all attendance and demographic data, as well as narrative, financial, and site reports within two weeks of their last day of Summer Boost programming. Additional details will be provided in the grant agreement for selected schools and by our program team throughout the summer.
The learnings from Summer Boost can improve understanding of what works to support students to accelerate learning and drive academic recovery. To maximize the potential benefit for educators everywhere, we ask that participating schools provide student data, including summer data, and authorization to access data from existing test providers (e.g., i-Ready or NWEA MAP) to an independent researcher. No students, school staff, or schools will be identified in any public reports, and schools will receive reports with their individual schools’ Lavinia pre/post assessment results from the program.
Summer Boost has established processes that ensure secure transfer of student-level data, also known as Personally Identifiable Information (PII), in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Compliance with secure data transfer instructions is required to ensure the safety and privacy of students and schools. Data collection templates and submission assistance will be provided throughout the process. More information about the program evaluation and requested data will be shared in the grant agreements, and you will also be asked to sign a data sharing agreement.
Lavinia RISE Curriculum and Training
Visit the Lavinia RISE Summer Boost website or email them at summer.learning@laviniagroup.org.
Yes! We will work with Lavinia Group to identify the charter schools with whom they are already working and absorb those costs into the grant structure so you will no longer incur those costs for summer.
Yes! The application process will ask you to share more about your curriculum and the standards it targets. We want to support high-quality work in all forms and we have seen grantees employ their own customized approach to summer programming with great success.
Summer Boost will provide the Lavinia RISE curriculum and professional development for FREE to any sites that choose to use it (NOTE: Schools will have to purchase student materials such as student books and math manipulatives; all materials beyond the Lavinia RISE curriculum are NOT free, but can be included in the budget you submit). Lavinia RISE has been selected because the curriculum has successfully led to student growth in multiple cities across the country. Because of this, if you do not have a curriculum already in place, we strongly encourage you to use the provided Lavinia RISE curriculum.
ALL participating schools will be required to take the Summer Boost pre- and post-tests to help us understand student growth this summer (provided at no cost to participating schools). ALL programs must be a minimum of 20 days of instruction, in addition to up to two days focused only on assessment.
Below are a few of the new and responsive updates to the program this year:
- Rising 1st-2nd Systematic Phonics will include new decodable texts specifically designed for RISE.
- Digital texts for rising 3rd-9th Close Reading for Meaning have been updated to include new content and, in some cases, adjusted length and Lexile levels. Phonics, morphology and fluency days have also been incorporated to create a 5-day Close Reading for Meaning Cycle offering more support for teachers and more opportunities for differentiation within the block.
The 2025 materials list remains mostly unchanged from last summer, allowing schools to reuse purchased texts and materials from the Summer Boost 2024 Program. A new addition is the decodable text bundle, which is required for rising 1st and 2nd graders. For more information, visit the Lavinia RISE Summer Boost website.
Yes, Lavinia Group will join our informational Webinars to share more about their curriculum, and you can see samples of the curriculum on the Lavinia RISE Summer Boost website. If you want to ask Lavinia Group questions directly, email Summer.Learning@laviniagroup.org.
The Lavinia RISE curriculum and professional development will be provided for free to all participating schools, but the costs of Lavinia RISE materials should be factored into the budget you submit to Summer Boost.
The items that sites should include in their budget include:
- Materials Costs (e.g. books, manipulatives): Classes of 25 students should budget between $10-$38 per student, depending on the grade.
- Printing Costs (optional): Classes of 25 students should budget approximately $38 per student for printing costs if your school prefers to do so instead of accessing it digitally.
- Educator Pay: Teachers are expected to attend 3 days of pre-program training and encouraged to attend 60-minute weekly development meetings. This is estimated at 17 hours of professional development (PD) for one subject and 23 hours of PD for two subjects. Leaders are expected to attend an estimated 3 hours of PD. You should plan to pay teachers for this time, so please factor this into your budget.
Note: The 2025 materials list remains mostly unchanged from last summer, allowing schools to reuse purchased texts and materials from the Summer Boost 2024 Program. A new addition is the decodable text bundle, which is required for rising 1st and 2nd graders.
To see the comprehensive material list, please visit the Lavinia RISE Summer Boost website.
No. If choosing to engage in the Lavinia RISE curriculum, it is expected that the whole program will be implemented in accordance with the training and materials provided by Lavinia Group. We believe this adherence is important to retain the quality of the program. You are welcome to supplement the Lavinia RISE curriculum with enrichment and other activities.
For more information, visit the Lavinia RISE Summer Boost website.
Yes, the Lavinia RISE curriculum is meant to provide a high-quality academic component. Adding any additional support, programming, or resources is a decision you are empowered to make.
Key components include:
- Author/Novel Study (45 minutes daily): Rapidly builds students’ critical thinking skills, passion for reading, and ability to analyze any book they encounter. Students read, analyze, discuss, and write about engaging, multicultural literature by award-winning authors.
- Close Reading for Meaning (45 minutes daily): Develops independent comprehension of complex texts through a five-day cycle of reading integrating grade-level phonics, fluency, main idea and craft and structure. Includes grade-level texts and aligned lesson plans.
- Systematic Phonics and Decodable Reading (45 minutes daily): Enables teachers to personalize instruction and address gaps with direct, explicit, multisensory routines and materials for summer and school-year use.
- Math for Meaning Story Problems (45 minutes daily): Builds the confidence and precision necessary to tackle any mathematical task independently. Engages students in solving on and above grade level problems through hands-on learning and rich mathematical discourse.
- Math Routines (30 minutes daily): Strengthens fluency and conceptual understanding through targeted, discussion-based routines. Students build automaticity with operations and concepts while keeping the “why” behind strategies front and center.
For more information, visit the Lavinia RISE Summer Boost website.
The RISE 2025 curriculum and materials will be available to all educators in April. Leaders and teachers will access the curriculum, professional development, and all accompanying resources through the RISE Summer School Platform.
RISE Summer School is designed to accelerate student learning by ensuring all students are exposed to rich grade-level content and provided with responsive support when necessary. The summer curriculum and professional development courses are explicitly designed to help teachers utilize appropriate scaffolds and differentiation techniques in response to student data.
The curriculum allows students access to both word recognition and language comprehension strategies. Through the Systematic Phonics curriculum, students will receive explicit demonstration and practice in foundational reading skills. Through the Insight Humanities and Close Reading for Meaning curriculum, students will apply background knowledge, gain vocabulary, and make inferential meaning from various texts in multiple genres.
All Lavinia Group school sites will receive access to a data tracker that they can use to keep track of student reading data and math data each week. Teachers will be provided with rubrics and training on collecting, scoring, and analyzing formative data throughout the summer.
This tracker provides school leaders access to a comprehensive dashboard that summarizes student progress toward growth goals and overall standards mastery for their specific school, allowing them to evaluate data across classes and grades and week-to-week throughout the program.
The focus of Teacher Training Week (TTW) is to develop an aligned vision for summer school instruction and to ensure teachers have ample opportunity to plan and practice the first few lessons of their summer curriculum. These immersive and interactive trainings provide teachers with a program overview and professional development on each core component: Systematic Phonics (Rising 1st-2nd), Close Reading for Meaning, Insight Humanities Novel Study, Math for Meaning Story Problems, and Math Routines. Lavinia Group will also offer sessions on supporting multilingual learners this summer and administering and scoring the pre- and post-assessment.
For the summer of 2025, asynchronous course completion is not required as pre-work.
In addition to the Teacher Training Week, Lavinia Group will also provide teachers with continuous professional development throughout the summer program. Teachers are encouraged to attend a weekly, live virtual professional learning meeting facilitated by a Lavinia Group coach. These meetings will focus on intellectual preparation and student work-study, providing teachers with professional development specific to their content and grade level. Teachers will also have the opportunity to ask questions about the curriculum and receive coaching on differentiating lessons in response to student data. Since content meetings occur on alternate days, teachers who teach both math and English Language Arts can attend all meetings for both subjects if desired.
These sessions are optional but highly encouraged. Weekly professional development meetings will be held for 1 hour per week for each content area.
Leader Training will take place in a 3-hour session in May, prior to the start of Teacher Training Week. Leaders will receive a comprehensive overview of the Lavinia RISE program and learn strategies to support teachers in executing a high-impact summer program that accelerates student learning. Leaders will gain best practices for summer instructional management and receive tools and resources to rapidly develop teacher practice over the summer.
For more specific information on the structure and content of professional development, visit the Lavinia RISE Summer Boost website.
Grantees can opt to engage in on-site coaching with a dedicated Lavinia Group coach. Coaches will conduct three on-site visits, offering direct, hands-on support to develop teachers and leaders through model lessons, intellectual preparation, student data analysis, and more. In addition, they will work closely with site leaders to enhance their summer school programming, delivering actionable feedback, clear next steps, and tailored resources. The on-site coaching offering cost is $5,625, and this can be built into your Summer Boost grant budget.
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